The Most Important characteristic in Narrative Writing

 I think that the most important characteristic in narrative writing is the setting. I think the setting is the most important because I think the setting is what people picture the most in their heads while reading a story.  Without the setting in the story, its going to be hard for the reader to get a picture in their head of what's going on. You might have characters and actions to picture, like little girls playing with a dog, but you don't have a setting to picture, so where are they? Are they outside? Are they inside? At a park, or in a pool? 

Not having a setting for the story would make the story feel empty. Although it gives the reader a chance to create their own setting in their head, its much better to be able to read a story and be able to know exactly what's happening and where. If there is no setting in a story, it also eliminates the chance of characters mentioning and interacting the setting which can remove a lot of writing opportunities. A story without a setting would also be boring, not allowing the reader to stay interested in what your story is about. 
