About Me!

    My name is Kailey and I am an 18 year old student working to achieve an Ontario Secondary school Diploma. I have lived in Canada my whole life but I have visited the United States a few times before. I spend most of my days working on school and helping my parents around the house. The things I do for fun vary. I enjoy playing video games a lot. I like to play Nintendo games the most such as The Legend of Zelda and Animal Crossing. I like to choreograph dance and I also enjoy singing and writing music as well and I occasionally play the ukulele or piano. I like getting out of the house and going for drives or spending time with friends and family. I like to be creative and do fun projects like paintings, drawings, digital art and cross-stitching.

     I have started a blog to discuss communication. Communication is very important to learn in life and has many different uses and I have started a blog to cover these things and talk more about communication and how we use it everyday. I will talk about how I use communication, the different kinds of communication, why I use different kinds of communication and more.
