What are your reasons for communicating - past and present?


     Communication is a very important skill to learn, everybody does learn it and almost anybody can almost master it due to how often we use it.  People communicate on a daily basis to deliver or exchange information, feelings or ideas from one person to another or multiple people. We all communicate with each other through four different ways. Non-verbal, visual, written and verbal communication.

 I have used every kind of communication to communicate with others about my needs or wants. I use verbal communication everyday to talk with my family and friends as well as written communication to send text messages to my peers. Also, I use written communication to send emails my teachers for my education. I often use visual communication by using emoticons or images to represent my mood. I also use visual communication in my artwork to show a feeling to my piece. I feel as if I use non-verbal communication a lot as I like my makeup and outfit to stand out. I also use non-verbal communication by giving peers facial expressions instead of using words. 

    Even though verbal communication is the most common, I struggle with that one the most. I struggle with social anxiety that can cause verbal communication to stress me out at times. I am not very comfortable with giving verbal presentations in front of a group of people rather its small or large. Out of the four types of communication verbal is one I struggle with the most. A type of communication I am more comfortable with is non-verbal. Non-verbal communication allows me to express myself and my feelings without the struggle of using verbal communication to get that across. Another reason I'm more comfortable with non-verbal communication is that it is less stressful in situation's where I feel I have to be verbal and I'm not comfortable with it.

    I have always wanted to try to improve my social skills and my verbal communication with people. Because of the anxiety, verbal communication can cause me to stutter or talk with a shaky voice or even worse, I could break down in tears. I feel if I attempted to get comfortable using verbal communication in front of small groups of people I am comfortable with and slowly branch out it would be a good start to working on it. I could also practice by myself to try to boost my confidence and learn effective communication better. Another thing I could try is to challenge myself by setting goals (attempt a 5-minute presentation without stuttering shaking my voice) and trying hard to complete them. 
