Which interview displayed better expository communication skills, why?

Russell Brand puts MSNBC's Morning Joe in its place

    I personally think that the first interview showed better expository communication skills than the second one. The first interview was very smooth. Russel Brand was not loud, he kept an appropriate and steady tone for the interview. When he was asked questions, he didn't go off topic and answered to the best of his ability as well as trying to include as much information as possible. In the second interview, he was very loud and had yelled too much. And he was not on topic most of the time and even included a lot of inappropriate things that were not necessary for the interview. 

    Russel was very engaged for the first interview. He listen to their questions and comments and gave them the answers they needed and included facts they didn't ask or know about. When the interviewers did ask a question they already knew, he gave them a lot more information to discuss about it. He used a lot of eye contact and made his points and comments very clear to the interviewers. He made gestures and expressions that showed he was engaged and interested in the discussion.

    The first interview was formal and appropriate for the setting. I think the first interview showed better expository communication skills because I feel as the second interview was very messy, unorganized, inappropriate and informal. Russell was very loud and energetic in the second interview and overall it just was not a great interview to watch. 
